Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Some Beady Presents

Last week we went back to Homebeads in Knebworth and took another evening class. This time we took Debbie along for a go. She enjoyed herself and together we made  a few different bits and pieces. I made this bracelet out of odds and ends of beads, so its a good way of using odd beads up. What I like about Homebeads and Charlie who teaches us, is that we make everything from scratch which means you don't have to use expensive pre made bracelets. She is also very patient as she has a range of people to teach, I am sure it would try my patience!!!
Debbie and I had a go at making feature pendants, single beads on pins attached to a central loop. Then its attached to a leather thong. It was interesting to make, quite fiddly. Another good use of odd beads!!

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